2.7.20mWire Object Centern@

A center point of two or more object is detection and WIRE are generated.

  Function key
Non  ’ʏν‹Θόi§Œδ“_jΆ
 F‚T  Center point Z-MINimam
F6  Center point Z-MAX
F7 generate end
F8 Close Wire
F9 Control Point

When this command is started, the command that was starting before that is automatically ended.

The procedure is shown below.

*Wire generat is needed object No.
This command makes the order of the control point of Wire by recognizing the object, and clicking the command button.
The completed Wire becomes t of the passage point.

1.The object of piece first is recognized, and the command button is pushed.


The display color changes into the recognized object. It does one by one.

3DLast Object Recognized, Push F7 Key and After Push Command

4Dthe dialog opens, it is generated by pushing "Yes".

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